Klipsch RP-500M Upgrade Kit (Pair)
This kit includes all new crossover parts, a set of tube connectors, high quality cable and a sheet of No Rez.
RP-150M Compatibility:
While we have not verified that this kit is 100% compatible with the 150M, we have had several customer’s build this kit with positive results.
-Both models use the same crossover, woofer and cabinet. Only known difference is the tweeter.
RP-500M V2 Compatibility:
This kit is NOT compatible with the RP-500M v2. Changes were made to the woofers, waveguide and cabinet which are not accounted for in this kit.
We will need to have one sent in to design a new network for it.
Take a look at the before and after measurements. With the modification kit, there is no question that you will not only end up with a subjectively better sounding speaker, but the measurements back it up as well!
Frequency Response Before

Horizontal Off Axis Before

Vertical Off Axis Before

Spectral Decay Before

Impedance Sweep Before

Frequency Response After

Horizontal Off Axis After

Vertical Off Axis After

Spectral Decay After

Impedance Sweep After