NX-Bravo Center Kit (Single)


The next step of the NX-Bravo line! A matching center channel with increased efficiency, in a compact, sealed box for a tight, controlled response.
The tweeter uses an deeper waveguide, further improving the off-axis performance, especially over traditional MTM speaker designs.

The tweeter can also be rotated for this model to be used as fully matching LCR setup for smaller setups with separate subwoofers.

Check out the NX-3 Bravo towers, which offers bass extension down to 40Hz.

Efficiency: 91dB
Impedance: 8ohm
Frequency range: 70Hz-20Khz

Speaker Dimensions:
W: 18.75″
H: 8.0″
D: 10.625″

This Kit comes with 1 sheet of NoRez

Need a flatpack or pre-built cabinet?
Assembled Cabinet
Finished cabinet

SKU: N/A Category:

"Additional information" tab is the shipping box size & weight

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Tweeter caps

Stock Caps, Sonicaps $110

Cabinet Plans


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